
Friday, April 18, 2008

I seem to remember saying something about toning down my yard saling this year. Hmm. I don't seem to be doing so well. I will say that I am being much more selective about what I do buy and I am still making a point to donate things from the house to make room for my treasures. With that said, here is today's loot!

A motley mixture of vintage items. Items above not featured below include two strands of beautiful W. Germany beads, a unique glass S/P shaker, a very old metal toy car, a sterling silver trash can (seriously! A sterling silver trash can. What will I do with it? Who knows!) and a natural quartz/amethsyt pendant - all 50¢ each. The giant enamel turkey planter was $3.00 and my biggest $ purchase of the day. I have another one with fruit on it and they make a perfect pair.
I stopped at the "Mothers of Mulitples" Consignment sale expecting to only find baby items. I was surprised how much stuff they had - books, CD's, DVD's, housewares, craft supplies, etc. Next year I will go there on purpose, not just as a time killer. I found this wonderful vintage Christmas tablecloth for $1.50. It was also quite the crack up to see everything x2, x3, x4. Four little ruffly purple dresses with matching headbands hanging side by side by side by side. Quadruplets! Eye-yi-yi!

This old Plantation Dainties tin came from an odd sale. The guys running it went into their office to eat and told me just to figure out what I spent and leave it on the table. Lucky for them I am honest or they might have found a quarter on the table. I only spent $3.50, but I wouldn't have fudged anyway. This tin intrigued me because someone had scratched PENIES (sic) on the lid for saving their pennies. I also think the ingredient list back in the day was comical. Sugar, Caramel, chocolate. Nowadays you have to list every ingredient in the chocolate and every ingredient in those ingredients, then each ingredient in the caramel and the ingredients in those ingredients. Sheesh. Those were the days. Sugar, chocolate, caramel. And no calories, fat grams or sodium counts.
Chee Chow is a puzzle game from 1939 that The Bean and I played and enjoyed tonight. The utensil drawer is painted red and I think will make a neat shadow box. Or at least an orgainzer somewhere. I suppose I could use it to organize the utesnils, right? (It looks odd because I washed it and the wood was still wet inside.)
Old wood and chippy red paint. Cool.
This is a tin mold with a lid/bottom marked England on the bottom. I think you make a pudding in it - pudding means something different than our pudding, doesn't it? More cake-like than puddin'-like? It was only $1.00 and was interesting enough to warrant purchasing and researching.

I have a computer issue that I am trying to solve. I have a prehistoric 1999 computer without a CD writer. I have thousands of photos that I am deleting and trying to transfer to a CD-rom. The only way that I can do that is to download them to Walgreen's and order a CD with the prints. The quality isn't that great when I do that, but it seems to be my only option. My computer is also missing something important (I have no idea what that is, by the way) that won't allow me to download any software from Picasa or anywhere else that allows me to download more than one photo at a time. So, here I sit downloading my photos one at a time. It is taking me forever! Does anyone have any advice or something obvious that I don't know? What about a flash drive? Can I use than with Windows ME (Mighty Elderly)? Will that hold my photos? I am willing to delete a lot of them, but I need The Beans last nine years of life off there!

Why am I doing this? Because two weeks ago I ordered and received a fancy schmancy HP computer that has a DVD drive, CD writer, bells, whistles and a lady to scrub the toilet, I think. Built for me by HP the way I wanted it. And a 17" flat panel monitor so I can see so much more than I can on this antiquated monitor. And, it is sitting in the garage still in the sealed box waiting patiently for me to figure out how to rescue my photos. And my favorites. Oye, I hadn't thought of that. I don't have bloglines, so I will lose my favorite blogs too. Jeez, is it worth it?



  1. Great finds, as uaual! The pudding tin is interesting. In England, there are many things referred to as "pudding". I make Christmas Pudding every year. It is more cake like. There is also Black Pudding, which is really Blood Sausage. (Don't ask how I know!) For hubby's family, pudding is a general term for dessert.

    As for the computer issue...could you upload your photos to a site like flickr? Then download and copy to a disc when you have the new computer up and running.

  2. Cool trash pickins.

  3. Well, first of all, get thee a bloglines account. Seriously! It makes life a lot easier and you wont lose those links.

    I could swear I saw them hawking some thing on HSN or QVC that was like a computer transfer for dummies deal. It made it easy to transfer stuff from one computer to the next.

    Ahh, here it is, but it is sold out!


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