
Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Project #1...Check

I am pleased as punch with myself right now.

I made something out of the box of wooden stuff that I picked up this weekend. Now,it's not exactly architectural or anything, but by golly, I made it start to finish, hung it up and it is being used. All in one day.

I nailed a rosette to the top of a piece of trim, painted it white, sanded it to make it shabby and worn looking, screwed a hook onto the front of it, added a hanger to the back and wah-lah - Junk in use! ANd, the nails, hanger, screws and hook were all in my junk drawer. No cost junkerating. (That's my new word. Junkerating. Patent Pending.)

And, the best part is that I have only used two pieces of the 42 I bought. Lots more projects in there. I know the next one is a frame, but I need some of those big heavy duty staples for that. But, it will be done. Honestly!

I also cleaned up the old Ball and Mason jars I have been picking up lately. I added my vintage mint-y zinc lids that I got for 50¢ last summer.

Peppermint Sticks, Buttermints & Vanilla Tootsie Rolls.

Brown Rice & Popcorn.

Rice & Rotini.

Buttons, SOS Pads & Marbles.

Everything looks better in an old blue jar!


  1. That outlet cover behind the jars is way cool! Did you do that? Liking the jars a LOT - particularly the Vanilla Tootsie Roll one ;-)

  2. Love your hook! A great way to Junkerate! LOL I love when I use something I found thrifting, it's such a satified feeling. :)

    I'm all about putting everything in jars, too. You know what they say about great minds and all ;)

  3. I LOVE it! I can't wait to see what else you put together with all your goodies. Very cool!

  4. Wow! Great job!
    Very inspiring... especially when I am one that never seems to totally finish a project... ever.
    Love zinc lids! I have literally brought back all of mine from the family farm in WI over the years. Such treasures! And they are so cool looking when you light a tea candle inside and set them all over the house!

  5. Love that hook! It's very cool and even better that you junkerated it! Just popped over to say that I enjoyed your valentine from the Sarah's valentine swap. Happy Junkerating!

  6. Anonymous7:34 PM

    Wow, you did a great job! love the jars!

  7. hmmmm I like the sos pads in the jar!!!!!


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