
Monday, February 18, 2008

"Everything's Better with Glitter."

That's my new motto.
I gave the pink lillies a shot of spray adhesive and some mica dust and now I like it a lot more. It gies it a sugared effect.

I went to town with the spray adhesive and mica dust on this entire egg, the flowers and even the leaves. The whole thing looks like it's been made of sugar. I left the white ric-rac without glitter so it looks like piped icing. This isn't the best photo - but I really do think it turned out pretty.

I made this little Chickie gal tonight while we watched "Kyle XY" and "John & Kate Plus 8" (LOVE those babies!). She was cute, but then I added the little feathers on top of her head and she really came to life.
Tomorrow is a field trip for me and The Bean. We're off to a local library to see an Exhibition about Benjamin Franklin (He's my cousin thirteen times removed, so The Bean has always had an interest in all things B.F.) and then off to a local Museum to see what they are featuring this month. We've been there before, but they have a rotating exhibit in the rear that changes quite often. I'm really trying hard to find interesting educational things to do that don't seem educational. More fun that just learn,learn, learn.

And, perhaps, we might swing by the cool old timey thrift that is just across the street from the Museum. I mean,it would be silly not to........


  1. These came out great! The mica is the perfect touch. They look like those sugar eggs! Do they even still make those eggs??

    Please send me some of your motivation! I've been such a slug lately and I really want to create! :) Love the chickie girl, too!

  2. I love them! The white rick rack does look just like frosting. And you're absolutely right: glitter does make everything better. :D

    Hey--have you been able to get into YSQ? I haven't been able to for a couple days now and wonder if it's just me or if it's screwed up AGAIN.

  3. I thought I posted, but it isn't showing up. Damn oldtimers disease!

    I said... those eggs remind me of the pretty REAL sugar ones my mother used to buy when I was a wee child. Very pretty.


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