
Friday, November 09, 2007

A Little Thriftin' Does The Body Good

I went to a thrift today -the first in a long while. I stopped at two yard sales on the way, but it was noon and all that was left was a bunch of junk. Not my kind of junk, but real live actual Juh-unk. I did find a purse at one that was red "leather" and had a real actual phone on it. The receiver was the handle and the dial was on the front. It had a box inside that the cord attached to and you could hook it up to the wall outlet and use it. I would have paid $1.00 or $2.00 for it for a novelty or to try on ebay, but the guy wanted $8.00 for it. Too rich for my blood. I can't find one on ebay, so I don't know if I missed out or not. I'll just tell myself it was a Dudderoo.

I did find a few treasures.

All my treasures had a red theme today.
Bromwell's Sifter with perfect red wooden handle - $1.00.
Brite Prid Sifter with perfect red wooden handle - $1.00.
Androck Red Wooden Handle Pastry Blender - $1.00.
I never find cool old kitchen stuff at thrifts - and especially not in perfect condition. And, the the icing on the cake was that all kitchen items were 50% off. - So, 1.50 for all three items. Yea!

The Christmas items were also out on display. They save Christmas stuff all year then display it during the holidays. They get a lot of cool old vintage Christmas items there. I found a set of two little Japan Santa head cups for 50¢, a vintage Santa head ornament for 25¢, 2 fabulous Japan Santa Bobbleheads for $1.50 and a Gourd Santa for 25¢ for my "Santa's Made out Of Things" collection. (What? You don't have that collection????)

I got this fun old vintage tablecloth for $1.00. It wasn't priced, so I asked the lady, "How much for the tablecloth?" and she told me, "Fabric is $1.00" Well, fabric is more than $1.00 and so are tablecloths normally, but I took it and ran. It is very long and rectangular. Probably just a handmade tablecloth, but I like it just the same.

I spotted this giraffe (no pun intended) under a tble. I really, really, REALLY hoped and thought it might be another Steiff. Greedy thinking on my part. He isn't a Steiff as far as I can tell, but he is still a cute vintagey guy. He was $1.00. Did I ever mention that I sold the little Steiff turkey for $114.00? The one I paid 25¢ for? It went back to Germany and the buyer was thrilled.

Things that make The Bean happy this time of year:

We always search for Christmas Crunch, but this was the first time we ever saw Halloween Crunch. We found it after Halloween, but he still thought it was "Cool".

I have a Santa Collection and really need this guy!
Can you imagine the house that could accomodte him? He must have been 7 feet tall. I cannot believe I didn't take note of his price tag. He was at Sam's. They have the most fun huge stuff. I love it!


We went to see "The Bee Movie" this afternoon. It was funny. We went to a brand new fancy theater that serves real food, has a coffee cafe with wi-fi and all sorts of other non-movie related fancies. It was stadium seating, which we discovered , is the BOMB. We are not movie go'ers as I am just far to cheap and I hate crowds. But, we went during the Matinee pricing for $6.00. The dadgum smell of popcorn lured us to the counter with our eyes transfixed as I pulled my money out. A mere (*cough*) $12.00 later we had a bucket o'corn and two bottles of water. ("Come back for your free refill," the guy said. As If.) You can get a big sack of popcorn and and an Icee at Target for $1.10. And Target is right beside the theater. Makes me sick. Oh well, ya gotta live every once in a while. (I did sneak in some trick or treat snacks too.....)


  1. Looks like some great finds Shara! I'm thrifting with my Mom this weekend, so I'm hoping for some treasures.

    Can't believe you got $114 for that turkey! Congrats!!

  2. Anonymous5:15 PM

    I've enjoyed reading your blog for quite some time now. You are lucky to live in an area where the prices in the thrift shops are so reasonable. The shops by me weed through the donations and put them on ebay. It's very rare to get a good find. Best wishes to your son...


  3. So are you gonna throw the giraffe on ebay and see if you score?

    I send my ds to the movies with his friends, but I myself would much rather wait until it comes out on video so I can watch it in my jammies.

    You scored on those red handled kitchen goodies.

    No thrift fun for me this weekend, I shelled out $40 for sparkplug crap.

  4. I agree about movies, we usually just rent them and even then I am frequently of the mind that they were a waste of money!
    Sounds like you had a great thrifting day, the giraffe is so cute!


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