
Saturday, September 15, 2007

Cheap Magazines

When I first started this blog, I intended to pass along deals that I find so that others can get them too. Hence, the original name of my blog - My Deal of the Day. Now I just post about my personal deals - yard sale and thrift store finds. So, here's a deal for all of you too!

Amazon has a great deal on magazine subscriptions right now. If you buy two subscriptions, Amazon will take $10.00 off your total. If you click on the link I provided, you will find a list of all the eligible subscriptions for this deal. I got O at Home and Redbook for a grand total of $10.00 for BOTH. O at Home was $12.00, so with the code, I was able to get the Redbook subscription added for $2.00 less than just O at Home. Clear as mud? They have Country Living for $12.00 too. If you read this blog and have similar tastes to mine, you probably already have a subscription to Country Living. I just got my subscription for Country Living and Mary Englebriet's Home COmpanion on on Best Deals Magazines for a total of $20.00 for the two subscriptions. They have a Daily Deal where you can get magazines super cheap. I got my subscription to Country Home on there for about $3.00. It is not like me to suddenly decide to buy four magazine subscriptions, but I decided to splurge. I noticed yesterday that O at Home is nearly $5.00 for one issue. I love magazines, easy to read, not a lot of brain power and fun to look at while I am waiting in line at school for The Bean. I usually buy older copies at the Salvation army for 25¢ each and find freebies at yard sales and the library. But, it occurred to me the other day, that I ws reading about the latest decorating and collecting ideas from about 5-10 years ago. Eh gads, I don't want to know what was hot then! I need to know what is hot now so I can buy and list on ebay the things people are looking for now.

Next time I will post about the fabulous vintage wooden croquet set that I missed out on at a sale on Friday morning. Once I missed it, I really lost my whole yard sale mo-jo and eneded up coming home. But the day was saved later when I went to the thrift and found a fabulous vintage tablecloth with blue and yellow daisies on it for $1.00. And, I already posted this on the boards at
YSQ, but I will also tell you about the sale at the house of a 70 year old couple that had Gospel Music blasting and a sex swing for $45.00. I have now officially, "seen it all".


  1. Anonymous7:21 PM

    Thanks for reminding me about the magazine sale. I need to check on that.


  2. Great deals!! I haven't got a subscription to Country Living, but I buy it every month so I need to get with the savings program and order. I tried your link but I can't seem to pull it up, if you have a chance, could you email it to me?? :)


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