
Monday, August 13, 2007

Mail Call!

I've always had a secret "Crush", if you will, on the mailman and the UPS man. (The fact that our mailman is a lady - well, that's another story!) Every day, the mail arrives, leaving little surprises and goodies - magazines, coupons, samples, treats. But, lately, all I have been getting is bra catalogs and shotgun catalogs (long story, but I swear, you order one Christmas item for someone and you are on that catlog mailing lst FOREVER). And, my deceased Father-in-law gets more mail than I do some days. So, when two, count 'em two packages arrived on the same day - well, I was pretty psyched!

First of I all, I received my Summer Swap from Evelyn. Her package arrived all wrapped up like a fun gift basket.
There was a set of two nice bright Orange dishtowels - as in orange the fruit - that I just adore. There was a fun juicer, a serving platter, two bright orange frames (claimed by DS), a fun mouse and cheese timer, yellow flowered serving fork and spoon, recipe book for me to put my own recipes in and two big bags of coffee all in a nice serving basket.

For her handmade item, Evelyn made a bowl out of strips of alternating yellow and orange paper and then coated it so it is waterproof. I mean, you can't run it through the dishwasher (as if I had one), but you could serve chips in it and not hurt it. I am sure it took her a very long time to maake it! I think it will become my summer time fruit bowl. Thank you Evelyn!

Now for the Oliveoyl (Carol's) goodies. She was sneaky and found out that I have a birthday this week and sent me a box of goodies. She sent some scrapbooking paper and stickers for my "Mom" baking, lots and lots and lots of fun watermelon themed fabric, a sweet little watermelon basket and an authentic Maple Syrup tin.

Carol also makes wonderful windchimes out of fun "found" items. She sent me a fantastic windchime made out of an old wire chicken shaped basket and some fun old silverware. It is wonderful. If a breeze ever graces our yard agian, it will go outside. Until then, it is near the fan tinkling away. Thank you Carol!

I don't have a lot of friends in real life so having friends out there in cyberspace just means the world to me. I can't talk about yard sales and thrift stores to anyone I know in real life other than my Mom. Their eyes just glaze over and they don't "get it". I mentioned my blog to a group of Mom's one day and they all sucked the air through their teeth, clutched their chests and said, "You have a BLOG????" (Why yes, I do, I chat with men and have cybersex with them. As if.) That's what they were thinking! You know they were!

So, big boy, how was your day? Whoops - that's a post for a different blog.....


  1. I personally feel closer to my CWF's(cyber world friends) than my OBF's(oxygen breathing friends), that is why they get the fun goodies. Glad you liked the birthday gift.

    I order lots of freebies online just so my mailbox always has something in it. So sad when it is empty.

  2. Carol cracks me up! OBFs....LOL! :) I love that cute chicken windchime she made for you. It's just darling! You got a neat swap package too--what a cool bowl! Very original and clever.

  3. I'm with you and Carol on the bloggy friends thing. None of my OBF's thrift or craft, so I don't really talk about those things with them.

    You must have good blog friends, because you got great goodies!

  4. Anonymous4:01 PM

    I love the stuff you got! What neat items! That watermelon basket is so cute!

    I know what you mean about people rolling their eyes at you. That's how I feel when I tell someone about a great deal I got on something at a store with my coupons and rebates or at a yard sale. As far as your blog, I love your writing and funny remarks. You write just like I picture someone talking; very authentic.

  5. Shara bet you didn't know I feel like I am in your skull looking out through your eyeballs when I read your stories. That is how visual your writing is, very captivating.


    I don't take credit for the OBF acronym, that comes from my blog friend Badoozie. I have started using it and CWF in my everyday language just to iritate my OBF's.

  6. What wonderful packages!!

  7. That is a super cool container!! I would of never of thought to do something like that. Lucky you :) I'm glad everything worked out!


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