
Thursday, July 26, 2007

Bye, Bye Baby Bunting

I bought this wonderful old book at a sale last weekend. It is called "A Child's World" and actually is a set of six volumes, but I only found the first volume. It is full of wonderful old children's stories. The graphics are so bright and absolutely wonderful. Well, all but one,t hati s. See the Mom and the sweet little baby - looking out the window awaiting Daddy to come home and make everything okay? But, wait, what's THAT? Daddy in the woods with a shotgun aimed at a BUNNY? What sort of a childhood nightmare are they rying to make? Eh, gads!

Happy Hunting this weekend. N(ot bunnies, bargains!)

1 comment:

  1. That is sick and twisted. Now days someone would jump on that for its political incorrectness.


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