
Sunday, May 13, 2007

Anybody Wanna Swap Junk???

I have an idea for a mini swap to hold all us "swap addicts" over until the next big one comes along. Tell me what you think. I call it the Junk Box" Swap. I was thinking we could gather up any items that we have, but don't really want anymore. Things that we might sell in our own garage sale (if any of were orgainzed to acutally have one, that is!). I'm thinking about little things - odds and ends - stuff in the junk drawer. How about filling up a big Flat Rate Priority Box with lots of odds and ends of things that we might not want, but that are still in good condition. A CD that you don't like anymore, some costume jewelry, notecards, stickers, unopened bath stuff, bits of paper or ribbons that maybe aren't your kind of thing, swap items you received in the past that are wonderful but not really YOU, advertising things they hand you at the store and you just don't know WHAT to do with them, stuff like that. How about finding something in your kitchen gadget drawer, your desk drawer, your craft supply and even your glove box in the car? Anything goes, just try to cram as much as you can into the box but make sure it will arrive safe. I wouldn't throw in a big glass vase because it would take up too much room not to mention probably break. The very most important rule of this swap is DON'T BUY ANYTHING FOR IT. That will be the hardest part! This swap goes along with the "Use What You Have" theme that is circulating in Blogland, plus, who knows, we might get a tad bit organized and find something we have been missing in our very own house. (We lost our cable remote two years ago and I would give anything to find it!)

The only rules are:

Only send good clean useable junk. It can be new, old, used, vintage, from the future (?) or whatever - just clean and still useable.

Don't go buy anything to add to the box - that includes paper, ribbon and the card!

You have to use the big Priority Box so everyone gets the same amount of Junk. I'll post the box # and the amount it costs to ship it later (Postage rates go up tomorrow).

Open to US bloggers only since we are the only ones that can use Priority Mail. (sorry).
For extra fun - let's all weigh our boxes and count the pieces inside. She who gets the most junk wins (metophorically speaking, that is...)

We can still read each others blog and try to send junk they would like, but really, just load up the box. You might find out that someone's son collects keychains and want to add some junky keychains that you already have to the box. (My son collects keychains, so that's where I got that idea). You're only out postage this one, since the stuff is already junking up your house anyway!

This will be a quickie swap. Leave a comment by Sunday, May 20th. Monday I will mix up the names and let you know your partner's name. We will all mail them on Tuesday May 29th. I know that is fast, but that's half the fun - find your junk, load it up and ship it out. I (heart) JUNK! I know I don't have that big of a readership base, so spread the word to any of your blog buddies that (heart) junk too. This would make a good fun first swap for someone too. Start hunting JUNK today!


  1. Well heck, I've got junk! Plenty of it, too. :) I have a lot of crafty stuff too, BTW.

  2. Oh, forgot to say--COUNT ME IN! LOL ;)

  3. I think I can swing this one, I'm down with OPJ! Other People's Junk!!

    I'll spread the word on my blog, too:)


  4. Anonymous11:38 AM

    I WANNA PLAY... but I don't have a blog... Anyway we can swing this?? THANKS!! S-

  5. I'm new to commenting on your blog, though I've read for some time, but I'd love to play along. I can be found at if you want to check me out. I participate at Swap-bot, too, if you want a voucher for my credibility.


  6. Can I play please? I love junk and swaps and your blog and long walks on the get the idea. Thanks, Anne!

  7. I would LOVE to play:):) Thanks!!!

  8. Sounds fun. Count me in

  9. Can I play too? Sounds like a lot of fun!

  10. Anonymous6:36 PM

    I would love to, but I will be out of town from May 25 until June 8. Sounds like fun and if you do it again, I'm in!


  11. OMG yes! I think I could fill a ton of boxes!


I love my comments. I'd love to respond to everyone, but if you don't have an email address tied to your ID, please sign your name so I will know who you are! It makes it nice to know who is saying what. Now, leave a comment! Please? ;o)