
Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Spring Done Sprung

Yesterday it was 85 degrees - HOT! Tomorrow morning we have a cold front moving in and the wind chills will be near 30 degrees. Uh, I thought Spring was here? One last blast from Old Man Winter. Thought I would share some pictures of all the spring color here. I thought everyone was having Spring, but lots of blogs still show snow and bare trees.

Here's another (Heart) picture that I took on Saturday. These are tree roots in the Battlefield Park. I have a knack for finding hearts in clouds, rocks and roots.

Be forewarned, the next post will feature photos of DS picking boogers out of the GIGANTIC nose. Read at your own risk!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Shara...I just love those colors!! My favorite are the purple fllowers. They are GORGEOUS photos.

    Our grass JUST started turning green (whitened last night with some April snow) here in MN!


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