
Monday, March 05, 2007

Shoey Makes Shoes

I seem to have a new obsession. I have been making little pairs of clogs with the pattern I mentioned here. I went and bought lots of little squares of felt and matching and contrasting emboidery floss. I gave my Momt he first pair I made. The yellow ones will go to my Grandmother who has quite a shoe collection, the pink ones are for me and oddly enough, my son requested a pair of orange ones. He loves orange and loves anything I do - so these are for him. The green ones are on the St. Patricks Day Tree - I noticed when I looked at the photo that fogot to whipstitch the heel of one of them. I'll have to fix that. The red ones aren't spoken for yet - but will be soon. I have lots of color ideas and plan on adjusting the size to actually fit a newborn baby. Oh yes, my best friend all through Junior High called me Shoey. I still don't know why, but that was my name.

1 comment:

  1. You have been busy Shoey!!! ;) Love the clogs, so bright and cheery. I like the pink ones best..I've been in a pink mode lately!

    Great job:)



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