
Thursday, March 15, 2007

Pay It Forward

As I was leaving the thrift on Wednesday, I spotted a wallet laying in the grass up on a sloping hillside. Now, everyone dreams of finding a wallet chock full of cold hard cash with no ID. But, what do I find? A wallet with NO money it it, but chock full of ID, SS card, hunting licenses, etc. And three Platinum VISA cards! And a PayCard to withddraw a paycheck. Yikes. The address was from way down in Southern Arkansas. There was a KS fishing license, OK hunting license, Tulsa Video Rental Cards, etc. Nohing was from around here. I "Googled" the name over and over. The guy that lost it has three names plus a last name. Luckily, I found his signature on his Driver's License and determined he went by his THIRD name. Geez. Could this get any more difficult? But, thanks to good old Google, I learned that he played Baseball in college. And what position he played. I found out what High School he went to and what year he graduated. I found out his Grandpa is a Pastor. Finally, I found his Dad's name and then his Mom's name. I cross checked that on Google and the "White Pages" and then I found a phone number. Eureka! I called and left a message and tried to leave enough information to sound like I knew what I was talking about without letting out "I KNOW YOUR GRANDPA IS A PASTOR" so they wouldn't call the authorities on me! His mom returned my call a few minutes ago and I now have an address where I can send him his stuff. Apparently he came to town with some buddies for a litle weekend partying. He left town on Sunday, but I found the wallet in a very obvious place on Wednesday. So, I am assuming someone found it or stole it and took the money in it. I aked him to "Pay It Forward" to someone down the line.

I'm thinking about trying to crack the Jon Benet case next.


  1. Anonymous9:26 PM

    Good detective work! Let me know if you need any help with the Jon Benet case.


  2. Shara, I should have called you when I found a wallet last week at Dylan's track meet. It too had dl,credit cards,checkbook and minimal cash. I checked w/every man I saw that looked similar to the dl pic and called the school we were at to see if it was a parent there. I ended up giving it to the announcer(teacher) and he said he would take care of it. I got a call from the school secretary asking what I had done w/the wallet. PANICK!!!! She called the school where the announcer/teacher worked and he had given it to the school principal, who in turn called the PHONE # on the checks. DOH!!!! Why didn't I think of that ?????????


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