
Sunday, February 04, 2007

Go Bears! Go Colts! Come On Mail Lady!

I'm not a sports fan whatsoever. I don't understand anything about the rules of football or basketball or baseball or any other sport involving a ball. But, every Super Bowl Sunday I make the obligatory crockpot full of Rotel Dip and we hunker down to watch the Super Bowl. I, like many women, like the commercials and the half time entertainment. I enjoyed Prince very much. His songs "Little Red Corvette" and "1999" came out in my senior year of high school. That makes me wonder how old that little dude must be now! Why, if I'm forty he must be pushing 50! Prince - nearly 50! WoW!

DS and I have an ongoing game of Monopoly that we have been playing for about two months. When we are ready to quit for the night, we put all our pieces, money and Real Estate cards in a baggie until the next time we play. We played Monopoly tonight and the game came to an end (for tonight) when DS sudenly owed me $12,500,000 for landing on my Vegas space with a hotel on it. This is the "NEW" Monopoly with Disneyworld and Las vegas on it - so things are very expensive.

While we played Monopoly we listened to the game and watched the commercials. At one point, much to our chagrin, Daddy fell asleep and was snoring on the couch - during the SUPER BOWL. He is a disgrace to manhood. We issued him a 1st warning ticket and told him that one more snoring stunt would make him lose his remote control rights. He stayed awake after that.

I belong to a Coupon and Refunding Board where we all share deals we find at retail stores and by using coupons. There is a nice lady on there that puts together a Super Bowl Pool. The first 100 to respond get their name on a square, then she assigns numbers to each square and wah-lah - we have our numbers for the Pool. There are four winners and each 100 of us has to make a goodie envelope up full of forms, coupons, small amount giftcards, free item coupons, stickers, etc. and send one to each of the four winners. I always have fun putting together my four envelopes to send out. But this time I don't have to send out four envelopes. I only have to send out TWO. Because, that's right BABY - I won not once, but TWICE. I am going to get 198 envelopes in the mail. The mail lady will you-know-what a brick. I know a few of the people will flake out and not send anything at all. But, I know I will get a bunch and what fun mail days those will BE! I don't even know what the final score was - but I know I am getting a crapload of mail!

Stay tuned - I will be sending out some RAOK (Random Act of Kindness)envies from all these to some of my fellow bloggers!


  1. Congratulations!! Sounds like a really fun thing to win. I love getting anything in the mail that's not junk or a bill.

  2. I am a smidge older than you, and I LOOOOVE Prince. I went to his "Purple Rain" concert in 1985 on a first date. I was exhausted from working,moving and partying the day b/f, and I went to SLEEP during the concert.

    I thought he did fantastic last night.

    I belong to a couponers group too, but we don't play fun games.

  3. I just looked up Prince's bio and he will be 50 in June. I had not idea he was THAT old, still sexy though.

  4. Anonymous8:17 PM

    Hey, hey, hey! I'm 52 but don't feel that old! Watch it you young whiper snappers!

    Seriously, way to go on the coupons! I am thrilled for you. As a serious couponer, let me know if you have some you don't want. Also, what is the coupon site you go to? Is it Refund Cents that you told me about last year? I have really gotten a lot from that one. Congratulations again.


  5. OMG, Prince is almost 50? No sports fans in our house, even the males (except for oldest son but he doesn't live at home amymore)

    Congratulations on your win and it sounds as though you're doing well with Monopoly too. I didn't know they had one with Vegas and Disney. Cool.

  6. Holy paydirt coupon and thrift mojo! You're right, your mail lady is going to have a cow when all your goodies arrive. Heck , if even you only get half of it, you'll be doing great!


  7. Congrats on the coupon win!! I am new to couponing & belong to a board & just won too! The post was GUESS WHAT I HAD FOR SUPPER & I said Steak. Yep, she did! So I will be getting 100 coupons from her for her RAOK!

    I was recovering from an ER visit of 3 hours the night before the Superbowl so I didn't watch the game. My 8 yr old had the croup. It was horrible. He would not stop coughing! This IS a bad time of the year right now & EVERYTHING is going around! YUCK!
    (I just found your blog through a friend that had it linked! Looks like I'll be adding you to my list of daily reads!)


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