
Thursday, January 04, 2007

Random Rattlings....

My head is still reeling over my ebay sales yesterday. By 8:00 PM last night everyone had paid via PayPal. I packaged everything up and mialed it all out today. I mailed 4 boxes and it cost $55.00! I paid for insurance on the items that the buyers didn't. I can't beleive anyone would pay $500.00 for something and then not insure it. The paintings are going back to Hawaii and for some insane reason, I felt the need to wrap the box in plastic and make it water tight since it was going over the ocean. Like the plane is going to crash and some fisherman is going to pull the paintings out and go ahead and deliver them for me. Just because Tom Hanks did it in "Castaway"..... So, I am on pins and needles waiting for the "Got it - love it" email or the "Got it - hate it" email.

Today was my Step-Father's birthday and we went to eat at Golden Corral. The waiter asked him if he wanted coffee after dinner and he was counting on his fingers to see how many hours before bedtime to see if he could handle it or not. I laughed and made a remark about his birthday and getting older, etc. The waiter asked, "Is it his birthday, for real?" and got very excited. A few minutes later I noticed a gaggle of waiters and waitresses gathering behind him with a cupcake. I said to my step father, "I am SO sorry!" He had a confused look on his face until he heard them starting to sing. It was funny. I didn't think resturants did that much anymore. Everyone in the dining room sang and clapped. And the best part - he didn't even get mad at me!

I went to my super cheap thrift today to make a donation, so of course, I had to look around. I bought a few things - all for resell. I got a nice vintage pearl button western shirt with purple pearl buttons for 50¢, a handcrafted Arts & Crafts lamp for $3.00, a couple books for 25¢ each, a talking singing Strawberry Shortcake doll for 75¢, a glow worm from the 1980's for 75¢, a set of four wild and colorful 1970's placemats for $1.00 and three tims for me. Whoops - I did buy sonething to keep. I was doing so well. Darn! At least they were only 25¢ each!

This is my 192nd post. I am trying to think of something fun for my 200th post. Probably a give-away! Woo-Hoo! Free Stuff! I'll ask for everyone to comment and then have DS draw a name out of a hat and pick a winner. Sound good?


  1. I'm game!!!! Sounds like fun and a good way to get feedback on your blog.

    I also wanted to see if this posts since I have been having problems.

  2. I'm in...I love your blog too!


I love my comments. I'd love to respond to everyone, but if you don't have an email address tied to your ID, please sign your name so I will know who you are! It makes it nice to know who is saying what. Now, leave a comment! Please? ;o)