
Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Oliveoyl's Goodie Box & Today's Thrift Finds

I spent a few days last week going through my endless supply of goodies to make oliveoyl up a box from my giveaway. She got it today and seemed to be very happy with what I chose for her. So, that makes me happy too! She is going to post photos on her blog, since I had a duh moment and forgot to take pictures. I do remember that I sent her the STRIPEY BAG,a vintage rose plate, a vintage rose covered apron, a silk holder for Ladies Hankies that says "HANKIES" on it wiht a Majorette to the side, a Campbell's Soup Bank, a Doiley and a little vintage sewing cabinet for buttons, thread and needles. It is funny, I had a hard time parting with the little cabinet, but I just really felt that it was something Oliveoyl would like. And I was right! And then, last Friday, I went to the thrift and they were putting out another little cabinet almost identical to the one I sent her - and it was only $1.00. So, now I have another one for my collection o' stuff.

I went thrifting today and only found a few things worth mentioning. This must be a slow time of the year for donations. Shirts were half price at the super thrift store so I bought a few to destoy - one is a black shirt with shell buttons that I will cut off and the other is a quilted handmade vest with hearts and hands on it - it is cute, but not wearable in my opinion. I plan on making tree ornaments or a stocking from the quilted appliques. I did get one shirt that I will keep intact and maybe even wear! I got a 1940's Norelco Sportsman razor for $1.50. I usually stay away from old electric razors, but this one had a cool leather carrying case with Tartan Plaid lining. It is make of bakelite too, I think - I will have to test it. It doesn't seem to sell for much, but I still think it is cool. I found a neat looking vintage Christmas Carol album (50¢) that I will display with my vintage Christmas stuff next year - I thought the cover was neat, but when I got home, I pulled out the album and was surprised to find a bright red transparent album. I bought two big plastic bags full of fat round little people - not weebles - but some sort of Fisher Price people. They were 75¢ each. I also bought a bag full of wooden buildings from a block set or a train set for 55¢. Stuff is so cheap at my thrift, I just gather up anything interesting and bring it home to check it out. I had three bags full for $8.25.


  1. Post a picture! :) It sounds like you had fun today! I've got to get out soon to thrift or I'll burst! Ohhh, I would have liked to find those fat little round people for dd. She loves FP Little People.

  2. Your thrift store does have some great prices. They really vary where I live, even at the different Salvation Army stores.

  3. Lucky you for finding a bag full of Little People. I seem to find the playsets, which we now have several of, but only a few People. Sounds like you got some other nice things too. I went to 3 shops yesterday and spent all of .25 on one box of Shiny Brite ornaments!

  4. Thank you for the box and the pics are now up. I finally got batteries and found the cable for the camera. Now if I could only take DECENT photos it would be great. Unfortunately some of them turned out blurry not matter what I tried. Dang old shaky hands.


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