
Tuesday, December 19, 2006

More Candy...

Thought I would share a sweet of a different type today. I made this wreath several years ago, but each year I doctor it up a bit. I found the ribbon last year and was so excited. Before I had a plain red bow on it - but the Ribbon Cndy ribbon just made it perfect for me. This hangs on the front door. I bought lots of candy garlands at the Dollar Tree and cut the candy and lollipops off them, then hot glued them all over a straw wreath. It's nothing fancy, but I think it's sweet. Ha!

DS is still home with the stomach crud. But, I have got to run an errand or two. I have been home with him for five days straight. I need make-up and clothes that aren't stained - I need to see people over the age of 11 - I need to see that Christmas is coming- I have got to get OUT OF THIS HOUSE. I have a zillion gifts to wrap and no paper. Must get out.......(glazed over zombie look on face....)

1 comment:

  1. What a cute wreath! Before I looked at the pictures closer and read your text I actually thought those were real cookies! Love the ribbon candy ribbon--it's perfect!


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