
Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Today I sent DS off to school and left DH home and set out on a bargain quest. I wasn't really looking for anything in particular - just a deal. I started off at Target. I knew the Halloweeen merchandise went to 90% off yesterday so I thought I might find a hidden deal somewhere. I didn't go yesterday on purpose, first off, we were sick and secondly, I didn't want to be tempted by any decorations or things we didn't need. I mean, everything looks good at 90% off! When I got there, all the Halloween was gone - Christmas stuff was everywhere! But, I went down the candy aisle and looked for out of place items, items with "FUN SIZE" written on the bags, one of a kind items and bags with fall leaves or Halloween motifs. I took it all to the scanners and price checked it. I ended up with one 1000 Grand bar bag for 21¢, Big bag of Sweetarts for 19¢, Nestle Assortment for 42¢, M&M fun size bag for 21¢, two different Starburst bags for 19¢ each, Snickers with Almonds for 19¢, York Peppermint Pattiesfor 21¢, Kissables for 27¢, Mounds for 21¢ and two bags of Milky Ways for 21¢ each. I bought all that and a deck of cards from the Dollar Spot for a grand total of $4.07. My checker was about as happy as I was to see such a deal! A lot of this will go to school for prizes and auction items. Some will go in the freezer and some will go straight to my rear end!

Then I went to Petsmart for badly needed food for the three kitties. Petsmart sent one of our cats a birthday card yesterday. It had a coupon in it for a free $4.00 cat toy. I got a kick out of that. So, I picked her out a six pack of rattly mice for free. I also used four free coupons for Whiska Lickins cat treats. The free coupons have been in the Tidy Cat bags lately. And I used $8.00 worth of coupons for the cat food. My total dropped $16.00 after coupons. I got some serious eye ball rolling from the chick behind me in line who had to wait while they did my coupons. It only took about a half a minute extra to do them so she didn't have to wait very long. Her main problen was she was buying a 50 lb. bag of dog food and didn't bother to get a cart for it. So, whe had to stand there and hold it. Oh well, it was good for her upper body strength!

Since I was close to Chick-fil-A I snuck up there for a box of nuggets for lunch. I love those things! I've been trying to win a party platter on their website, but no luck. DS and DH love Chick-fil-A too so I had to hide my trash so they wouldn't know where I had been!

After that I went to Hobby Lobby and eh gads, right in front of the door was all the Halloween marked 80% off. Look away! Look away! I did fall for a cool sign to stick in the yard that says "Trick or Treat" with a black cat for $1.99. I also found some scrapbooking items marked down in there, so I got away from Hobby Lobby with a bagful for $8.00.

I hit two thrifts on the way home. At one I spent a whopping 50¢ for a Whitey Herzog Bobble head for DH. The lady that works there sent home a Beanie Baby for DS too. They told me that they would be putting out all the Christmas on Monday so I will be the first one there on Wendesday when they open for the week. At the Salvation Army I got a 1996 Longaberger cracker basket with liner for $1.00, a seagrass basket in the shape of a bird for 50¢ and a "Swinger" for $1.00. What is a "Swinger" you might very well ask? Well, it's a drinking glass on a chain that you where around your neck to "leave your hands free for better things". OMG! The picture on the box shows a guy all hoochy-goo with a lady at a party. It is too funny! The chain is a thick cheesy silver chain. It would be great for a "Tacky Gift Exchange" that I am in on - but I think I will hold on to it for a fun family member gift or maybe ebay.

That concludes the play by play of my deal hunting day. ;o)

I swear, I get such a high when I find a deal!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I am totally with you on the HIGH you get from getting a heck of a deal! You had a great day! Way to go on the Longaberger basket. And can't wait to see what Christmas stuff you find next week! Be sure to post so I can drool!


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