
Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Mom's Gotta Brag a Bit

Today was the Honor Roll Assembly at my son's school. He has always made A's and B's but since third grade, he has had a C in Math. This year he has a high B in Math and all A's in everything else. So, he made the A/B Honor Roll. The teacher's got up and gave out awards to a few students too. He ended up getting the "Life In The Food Chain" Award for outstanding Science work and the "Reading Award" for outstanding reading (filling out his reading log, reading every day and reading when he has free time and hasn't been told to read). So, needless to say, Mom and Daddy are very proud tonight! Well, and every other day too!


  1. I try to stress to my DS that academics COME FIRST, everything else is just for fun. He is struggling in math, but has a great teacher that wants him to succeed.

    Maybe your DS finally found someone that relates well to him and thus his improvement in math. GREAT JOB!!!!

  2. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Hooray for him! Math was always my worst subject.


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