
Monday, September 25, 2006

Red & Aqua Swap is Heeeeere

This is my little package of goodies that my swap partner sent me from Singapore. She stitched up the little "Shara" girl for me. I think I will frame her and put her in my office. Some little fabric squares, buttons and ribbon that I will use in my sock monkey making. She sent some Skittles too which is funny, because I sent my partner a bag of red and a bag of blue Skittles too. DS and I opened the skittles last night. They taste different, even though the package looks the same and the Skittles look the same too. I guess it must be the different water or something. There is a little cupcake pincushion fashioned from a milk cap, fabic and a ribbon trip with a red button "cherry" on top. It is very cute. She also made a little pouch for carrying a little package of tissues in my purse. Very cute too. Now that I have received my end of the trade, I have a better idea of what I could send in future swaps.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:19 AM

    glad you liked it :D I never knew the skittles would taste different. that's interesting. hahaha.

    dawn :-)


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