
Friday, August 11, 2006

Stu the VUE, Where Are You?

DS and I were going to go to our favorite cheapy thrift yesterday morning. We went out to get into the car and it wouldn't start. I was freaked. I hate car trouble - it makes me feel so dumb and out of my element. I did have enough sense to realize that the fuel guage wasn't moving but the A/C, radio, etc. was all coming on. So, I am assuming it is the Fuel Pump. Luckily, it is all under warranty, so Saturn paid for it to be towed to the dealership and they sent me Hertz rental car. It is a 2006 Ford Focus with 21,000 miles on it. It's funny, becuase my VUE is a 2004 and it only has 18,000 miles on it. It is a nice car, but so small I feel like everyone is about to run over me. I want my VUE back. For the record, we have a Nissan Quest Mini-Van (Stan the Van) and the Saturn VUE (Stu the VUE). We should have Stu back on Wednesday of next week.

Today we took the little car out and did our errands. I got my driver's license renewed after the friendly Hertz guy reminded me yesterday that it was about to expire on Tuesday. (My birthday!) We went to the Salvation Army and the Attic thrift store too. I bought a lot of small stuff. My best find was a wooden nursery lamp with a wooden ferris wheel on it that revolves. That was $2.00. I also got a tiny itty bitty pottery pot with a cork in it. It's about as big around as a quarter. I have a terrible passion for miniature things. I also bought four small handmade little silk balls that are actually little Chinese babies. I'll post a photo soon. Not sure what on earth I will do with them, but they just spoke to me. Too cute!

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