
Monday, August 21, 2006

Sock Monkey

I am always on the look out for sock monkeys when I go thrifting or yard saling. I may have mentioned this before. Once at a yard sale, I bought 11 sock monkeys for $10.00. They were all vintage and had personalities. So, when I listed them on ebay, rather than calling them Monkey #1, Monkey #2, etc., I named them Monty, Maggie, etc. and gave them life stories. They ended up selling for about $25.00-$50.00 EACH for a grand total of $287.00.

Not too long ago I bought two pairs of red heel socks at the thrift for $1.00. They were brand new and still had the sock monkey pattern included. So, last week, I decided to make a sock monkey - my first. I used to be quite "crafty" for lack of a better word. But, lately other interests had responsibilites have taken over my crafty time. It only took me a little over an hour to make him. Since this photo I have added a fun blue striped hat and striped scarf to him to give him character. I'm considering making some and listing them on ebay. I would love to find a niche that allowed me to sell on ebay, but not bring home so much STUFF all the time.

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