
Monday, August 28, 2006

I've Got the Blah's.....

I haven't got any energy and I don't feel like doing anything. All summer long I heard msyelf say, "When school starts, I'll yadda-yadda-yadda". Well, school started a week ago and I haven't done yadda!

I have spent far too much time on the computer looking at other blogs. I am intrigued by all of them. Everyone has such a passion. It's funny - when you pass someone in the aisle at the grocery store, you wouldn't dream they had a passion for something so strong that they had to write about it an dream about it. I love thrift stores and yard sales and really thought that it was something that I did for fun. But, now I find there is a whole bunch of folks out in Blogland that love them too. And they are obsesed like ME! I am NOT alone!

So, if it's not bad enough that I go saling and thrifting - now I have to photograph it, write about it and BLOG it too! As long as I keep up with the laundry and have a hot meal ready...maybe DH will never notice!

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