
Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Somebody ELSE got a Great Deal!

I am so MAD! Last night I notcied that my all time favorite garden statue is GONE! Stolen from in front of my house. It was a three foot tall concrete Jack Rabbit. I stopped at a charity sale late in the day and spied him under a table. Knowing he was out of my price range, I asked "How much?" anyway and "$2.00" was the magical reply that came back to my ears. I once saw a two or three year old boy stop and kiss that same rabbit on the top of his head then bid him farewell as he went on. I looked him up on ebay once and he was worth about $150.00-$200.00 because is was vintage and fabulaous. I am mad that someone stole him but I am even madder that someone violated me and came to steal him. This wasn't a person walking by - he weighed about 50 lbs. so it took some work to steal him. I don't care if it was a dumb teenage prank or a serious thief. It was WRONG! Bring back my RABBIT!

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