
Monday, May 08, 2006

Little Deals Are Everywhere!

Last week at the grocery store I noticed that the ice cream is now in new flat looking containers. Then I noticed a shelf of the old round containers. Then I noticed the $1.00 price tags on them! Load 'em up! Luckily we have a big freezer and now have a lot of ice cream to last us through the rest of the year!

Saturday I found a deal on Photo Processing at Walgreens. They had a Cinco De Mayo special for five 5" x 7" prints for 5¢ each. I registered and downloaded my photos. They give you your first 20 prints for FREE. So, I ended up getting 20 free prints plus the five 5" x 7" prints for 25¢. Today I registed DH and he is getting 20 free prints too. I had them printed at my local Walgreen's and picked them up. This is a good deal for me since it is right down the street.

When we went to pick up the prints, DS hinted around and the candy bars. They are 59¢. I noticed three lonely chocolate bunnies sitting on a shelf for 12¢ each. So, he got a chocolate bunny instead of a cnady bar!

This morning I noticed a kid's table by the neighbor's trash. It was red with four legs that each looked like a pencil with eraser feet. It was very cute and like brand new. I gave it to my friend's six year old son for his room.

Went to IGA for milk this afternoon and noticed HUGE houseplants and ferns where on sale for $4.88. They had been $15.88 and I was too cheap to buy one at that price. But, hey for $4.88 - get in the cart!

So, that is my week of deals. Nothing huge or great - but little deals do add up!

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