
Saturday, March 18, 2006

My Busy Week of NO DEALS!

I spent most of the week volunteering at my son's school. Wednesday I worked in the library then chaperoned about 160 4th Graders to the Boys and Girl's Club. They did a lockdown and let the kids just go crazy and do whatever they wanted - some climbed the rock wall, played basketball, played air hockey and fooseball, etc. Some of the kids spent most of thier time between the snack bar and the TV room. It was a fun day for them all. DS enjoyed endless amounts of time on the Air Hockey table. After school he had volleyball practice then we all went out to eat.

Thursday I worked at school helping the kids have their class photos and Spring Portraits taken. Lots of boogey cleaning and hair combing. They gave short notice on the picture day so some kids came in not dressed too great. I found the counselor and got a couple spare shirts on hand for some of the dirty litle boys to wear. I hope their Mom's are happy! I guess that was my one deal of the week - I got my son's portrait package for free since I helped the cameraman. That was about $45.00 worth of photos.

Friday I went with the Special Olympics Unified Volleyball Team to compete in a tournament. My son played twelve games and won ten of those. So, his team won first place. This was his first sport experience and it was a good one. I must explain that Unified Volleyball pairs up three special needs kids with three non-special needs kids and they make up a team. My son was one of the non-special needs kids. He was chosen for being a good role model to other students.

Today is Saturday and it is raining and cold. No yard Sales today for me. We are supposed to have 3" of snow on Tuesday. The worst part is that we started Spring Break today. Ds and I have all sorts of garage sale/thrift store trips planned this week. IF it doens't SNOW!

Hint of the Day: If you have a Toys R Us around you - you might want to stop in and look for any green taggged merchandise. It is all scanning at 90% off. The best thing is that a lot of merchandise is scanning at 90% off, but is not tagged in any way. So, it is a bit of a scavenge hunt to find items. Personally, we have a ball with it. We just pick up anything interesting and take it to the self scanners. If it scans at 90% off we put it in the cart. Otherwise it goes back on the shelf and we load up again. Last year we got a ton of Playmobil items at 90% off. I gave some away, donated some to the school, donated to Toys 4 Tots and still have a few around here. You can even get bikes for $5.00-$10.00 at these sorts of sales. They even have Overload Candy Bars ringing up at 6¢ each. If I can find those they will go in the goody bags at DS's party this year. D had a good report card this week and won the volleyball tournament, so we will most likely indulge him with a few things too. Heck, at 90% off - WHY NOT!?!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Sounds like a great week for you and your son. That is a smart deal to work for the photographer so you can get a free package. Hope you don't get snow too deep so you can still go garage sale/thrift store looking.

    Libby (Pennypincher0


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