
Tuesday, February 21, 2006

My Valentine's Day Finds at Target

I want to thank everyone that left me a note about my cat, Neilsen. We lost him Friday afternoon. He was so close to passing, but we had an ice storm coming and a holiday weekend ahead, so I called the Vet and made arrangements to take him in thirty minutes later. When I hung up and went to get him, he was already gone. I am thankful he went on his own, here at his house with us. We did end up gettiing close to 6" of snow and sleet, so I don't know how I would have taken care of him after all that hit. I miss him so much. We have three other cats, all with their own distinct personalities. But, we had Neilsen for 15 years, so we really lost a member of our family.

Okay - on to the purpose of this blog! I heard that Target was 90% off on Valentine's merchandise today. Normally, Valentine's stuff is all chocolate and silk roses. But, Target gets things in every department. I got my son seven pairs of funny boxer shorts with Scooby Doo, SpongeBob, Homer Simpson, etc. on them. He likes to wear them in the summer as shorts around the house. They were 79¢ a pair. I got him three T-Shirts for 99¢ and all three of us matching Snoopy T-Shirts for 99¢ each. I got a bunch of packages of multi-striped tissue paper for 19¢ each. I found a gorgeous pink leather serving tray for $1.99 that I already have in the flea market for $18.00. My best find was two red leather nightstands with built in shelves. They were $69.99 but scanned at $4.99. So, I got nearly $140.00 worth of furniture for $9.99! I am going to use them in the Flea Market for display and also put a nice price tag on them just in case someone is interested! I also found ten bags of Hershey's Nuggets mixed in with the regular candy for 27¢ a bag. I will give some away and freeze some. I really didn't need them and really shouldn't have bought them. But, 27¢? Come ON! That's cheaper than a candy bar!

I went back to the Global department to look around. They have so much cool stuff there and it is 50% off. Actually, that's where I found the leather nightstands. Anyway, I found this big hammered copper cauldron with a forged iron handle. It was $60.00. But, on sale it was $30.00. I had a $20.00 gift certificate that I had earned for doing a survey, so I treated myself to it for only $10.00 But, I still feel guilty about spending $10.00! It is in the living room in the bay window with a big plant in it. It is really pretty.

Hint of the Day: Scour the aisles looking for items that are "holiday" or "Seasonal" even if they don't look it! And, treat yourself sometimes!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:22 PM

    I'm sorry about your kitty. Have you ever read the story/poem called the "Rainbow Bridge" about when we lose a pet? It made me feel better when I lost my furbaby about 4 years ago. You can google the poem if you don't have a copy. Even though you are so sad, it will make you smile and cry at the same time.



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