
Friday, January 20, 2006

Salvation Army Finds

I went to the Salvation Army yesterday to poke around. I spotted this cool office chair - all wooden - white and distressed. I love that look! It was $15.00. As we all know, I am cheap and that is a lot of money to me. I decided not to buy it since I have a perfectly good office chair already. But, that's when I noticed the "20% off Office Chairs" sign in the window. SOLD! It was only a $3.00 deduction - but heck - $12.00 for a cool new chair. The photo above is actually from the Staples website where the chair is....drumroll.....$159.99. I think this will become my scrapbooking chair.

Also at the Salvation Army, I got my husband a birthday gift. (It's hiding in my sock drawer, I do hope I rememebr that in May when it is time to give it to him!) Anyway, it is an Arkansas Razorback pickup truck with a complete tailgaiting party in the back. They were putting it in the glass case and I said, I'll take that". It was $7.00 - again a lot for me. But, an awesome gift. There is one on ebay for $165.00 right now. I actually spent $20.00 at the Salvation Army. WOW!

I went to another thrift earlier in the day. I got a cool new pair of Elisabeth jeans for $3.00. They had a $69.99 tag on them. I really bought them for resell, but I tried them on and now they are mine. I love them.

I had a great thrifting day!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:14 PM

    I always enjoy reading about what you have been up to. Sounds like some really good deals lately.



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