
Wednesday, January 18, 2006

I got a letter in the mail yesterday telling me that I had been named a "Souper Parent" by Campbell's Soup based on an essay submitted for my volunterism at my son's school. The prize is 10,000 labels for the school. The retail value is only $115.00 (10,000 sounds like it would be more than that!) but it will help the school. There was only one winner per state. Souper! My son and I actively collect Campbell's Soup Labels, Boxtops for Education and Tyson's A+ Panels for his school.

We'll always send a thank you and an envie full of coupons, stickers and any other goodies we have on hand. Mention you saw it on the blog please!

I stopped by the Flea Market to straighten things up yesterday. I had a check for $6.30. I didn't expect to have one at all. I was one of the first vendors there and it is still filling up. She is advertising and Spring is coming, so more lookers with be there then.

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