
Monday, December 26, 2005 is having a clearance sale on all the Angelina Ballerina items. I just ordered the Angelina puppet, an assortment of outfits and 17 books - mostly hardback books from $15.95 and under for a grand total including shipping of less than $16.50. I split the order into three seperate orders. Orders less than $5.00 ship for 99¢. There is also a code - 145364 - for 10% off your total - so you can get $5.50 worth and apply the code and it will be less than $5.00 so the 99¢ shipping will apply. You can use the code with each order. I will probably donate these to the local library or I might sell them on ebay. I know donating them is the "right" thing to do...but......

Hint of the Day: Whenever you place an order on-line you should ALWAYS go to and look for a code for the website you are ordering. The americangirl specials were great, but by finding that code, I actually got a FREE 49¢ book (regulary priced at $3.99) with each order since the code deducted 50¢ each time.

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