
Saturday, November 26, 2005

Well, I said I didn't take part in the Black Friday hub bub. I lied. Sort of. DH volunteered to go to Wal-Mart at 4:00 am yesterday. He got four things that I wanted for Christmas gifts. Well, one thing was for me. They wer all good deals. Good enough to talk about here but not to go into too deeply because the recipients of those gifts ready my blog. (Yes, YOU, Mumsie).

DS and I ventured out late in the day - about 2:00. Wal-Mart still had pallets of a lot of the early morning specials left. I got a mini slow cooker for $4.24, but nothing else.

There is a Christmas parade in a neighboring town today. If we go i will squeeze in a visit to the Dollar Shop (lots of name brand good stuff for $1.00) and maybe the Salvation Army. Tomorrow, I am hosting a full blown Thanksgiving Dinner (although it is three days past Thanksgiving) for my family. The 18¢ turkey will be cooked.

Hint of the Day: Get your husband to go shoping early so you can sleep in. Just kidding. Take a chance and go shopping a bit later after the crowds have subsided and you still might get a deal or two.

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