
Friday, November 04, 2005

I went to Target on a Halloween markdown hunt today. My couponing friends were reporting that all Halloween was 75% off today. So, I had to go see what I could find. I am always on a quest for candy for goodie bags at school. I went to the Halloween aisle and all I could find was candy corn. So, I went to the candy aisle and started looking around. First I looked at the Kit-Kat's. All of the bags looked the same, but three of them said "Fun Size" rather than "Snack Size". So, I went to the scanners and low and behold - the Snack Size were $2.24 and the Fun Size were 52¢. Score! I ended up finding 16 bags of name brand candy bars - Heath, Almond Joy, Take 5, Reese's, Buterfinger, KitKat, Snickers, Nestle Crunch, etc. all for 52¢ or less. I did buy one HUGE bag of Almond Joys for $1.09 which means that it was $4.36. (Those are for ME!) It will go to 90% off on Sunday and I will go back and hunt again.

Hint of the Day: Look in other areas of the store for items that are marked down, but out of place.

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