
Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Well, snot rockets, I didn't win the lottery - YET!

To calm my wounded soul, I went bargain hunting at Toys R US (TRU) yesterday. I bought two Play-Doh sets, a handheld Boggle Electronic game, a handheld Simon game, a Spy Listener and a laser light. The total before "deals" would have been $57.64. I paid $21.00 and mailed in a $5.00 rebate on top of that for a grand total of $16.00. The games were buy one get one free. The Play-doh was buy one get one free too. The Spy Listener was on sale for 99¢ (was $10.98!) and the laser light was $1.99. I had a coupon for $5.00/$25.00 purchase - so I threw in the laser light to get my total over $25.00.

I bagged up three bags of items to take to the Salvation Army this afternoon. I am trying to declutter and get rid of a bunch of stuff. But, the deals still call out to me. I need therapy.

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