
Wednesday, October 26, 2005

I heard a rumor that red tagged clearance items at Kohl's were $1.00 today. DH and I decided to go see what we could find. We did discover that red tags were only $1.00. There wasn't a whole lot to schoose from- but we found a few things. I found some shoes in the ladies department - Mootsie Tootsie, Nine West and Oh! - I know nothing about shoes. But, they were $49.99 a pair and I got them for $1.00 each. I bought 4 pairs, all in a size 11. I plan on listing them on ebay this Spring. I would think they should all sell for at least $20.00 each. So, for $4.00 I should make at least $80.00.

Hint of the Day: Check out sales racks and specially marked tags. You might get a heck of a deal!

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