
Thursday, September 01, 2005

Yesterday I had a feeling that I should go to my favortie thrift store. Actually, I always go on Wednesday but that's beside the point. I know all the ladies that volunteer in there. It opens at noon, but they let me come in at 11:30. So, I get the best pickin's! Just so happens they were putting out a cart full of like new clothes for 50¢ each. I bought $10.00 worth so that is 20 items. One was a Colorado Rockies jersey that I will put on ebay. My husband picked out a couple t-shirts. I got my son a t-shirt from MY high school and one from Hawaii. The other 15 were for me. Three of the shirts "weren't me" after I tried them on at home. Still, a great deal on everything.

Even better, I found my son a Pixter that seemed to work, even though I didn't know what it was. I went to Wal-Mart and looked at them. They cost $31.01 at Wal-Mart and I paid $1.00 for it at the thrift store. He loves it and has hardly put it down. It's an electronic drawing pad and illustrator. Aa awesome deal at $1.00.

Gas just hit $3.12 in town. I haven't ever figured out how to get a "deal" on gas. I wish I could. Thee is a telephone locally today raising money for Hurricane Katrina. I'll be calling in later. Son has alredy pledged his allowance.

Hint of the Day: Hit those thrfit stores. You never know what you might find.

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