
Monday, August 05, 2024

Greetings from 2024

 Well, HEY  I got nostalgic and decided to look at my blog.  Is anyone out there still reading blogs?  Instagram and TIkTok seem to be "where it's at" but, I like words.  Lots and lots of words.  Which is funny, because I'm not a big talker.  But I can write a lot.  

I treated myself to a new laptop on Tax Free Day so here we go trying to learn how to use it.. I pretty much only use an iPad for everything, so it's been a while since I used an actual keyboard.  I guess it's like riding a bicycle, because it's all coming back to me.  But, I honestly don't think I could ride a bike again if I tried.  

I'm still making my creations.  I do three big shows a year and I am looking to expand into OK and MO and maybe KS.  I'm getting back into a new flea market this week.  It's been awhile since I had a booth, three years, to be exact  A friend of mine is opening a flea market in my town, so it will be easy to maintain.  

The worst thing that has happened as of late, is a tornado came through my area on Memorial Day weekend and wrecked my Goodwill Bins.  There's no timeline on a reopening.  It's a mess and from what I can tell, nothing has even been started to rebuild it. I miss digging for little oddities to add to my creations to make them unique.  Hopefully they will rebuild soon.

On an non related junking note - I am fulfilling a bucket list item in December!  I am going to see JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE in concert.  He is my BOO.  I will be on the 8th row on the floor.  I am VERY EXCITED.  It cost a ridiculous about of money, but you only live once.  I'm going on my Mumsie's birthday, so I consider it a gift from her.  Man, I miss her.  

All right, if you see this - leave a comment.  Maybe I'll come back!  


PS hi Janet