
Monday, October 12, 2020

Junk Ranch Fall 2020 COVID Edition

Hello friends.  It seems I only come here occasionally lately. I find Instagram a fast and easy way to post my finds, but I do miss writing here,  IG is all about fast and few words. I am all about the words. Lots of words!!!!

We were able to have the fall Junk Ranch last weekend. It was thought that we might not be able to have it. But the owners worked hard to ensure a safe shopping event and it was approved by the state health department.  People online seemed very excited about the prospect of getting out and doing something fun.. (It has been a long hard year, right?). But, we weren’t entirely sure if the people would actually come.  Well as the old adage goes, if you build it, they will come,  And man did the people show up! Everyone had on their masks and stayed distanced apart.  The line started at 8:00 in the morning and was bumper to bumper until 2:00. People kept arriving after that as well.  Many of the vendors sold out or nearly sold out of inventory. All of the food trucks ran out of food. It was crazy! I sold so much vintage Christmas, other vintage and lots of the things that I had made.  It sure makes me happy when someone walks up holding one of my creations with a big smile on their face.  It was a record show for everyone, I am sure. And we can’t wait for next year. 

Here are a few photos, which look pretty much like all my shows. My set up works great, so why change it? 

One of those smiling faces I mentioned. 

Cubbies full of smalls, vintage holiday and other sweet things. 

I worked until the very last minute setting up, so I was never able to bet photos of ht booth.  Luckily, The Bean ran around and snapped a few just as the air horn sounded and the gates opened.  

 My booth was very busy al day long.  There was a food truck behind me and there were two men running it.  They had watched me setting up my colorful Christmas items and sort of had a look on their face like I wouldn’t sell much.  On Friday about 4:00, they came out to say “Boy oh boy!  You are popular!!!  They came running and they lined up for you!!!”  Made me feel good that the realized it.  

A peek inside of the things I made.  Sorry it’s a little dark.  I sold a lot and that really made me so very happy.  

I’m posting this on the iPad, which is a first for me.  I’ve never tried the keyboard or blogging from it.  But, I think I have it figured out, so MAYBE I’ll get better at blogging again.  Oddly enough a lot of the Instagrammers are starting blogs and I’m all “I’ve been blogging forever!”

I went to the bins latest week and scored a ton of great old vintage toys.  I couldn’t
believer that I just kept pulling one out after the other.  

Super cute fisher price musical duck pull toy.

Tommy Turtle

Chiming apple that was SUPER ANNOYING in the ride home.

Dying over this chipping old red telephone.

Fisher Price wind up clock.  I found lots more but these were the best scores.  I want a Fisher Price Camper so bad, but I’ll never actually buy one, so I was hoping I would pull one out of there.  Maybe next time?

I hope you are well and thank you for still stopping by from time to time.  A special hello to Janet who I know who’ll see this and always remembers me on my birthday and at Christmas.