
Tuesday, July 14, 2020

The Masked Thrifter

Hello again!  Oh, I miss blogging.  I really should get back to it, but really, there is NOTHING blogworthy in my life right now.  Covid is bad here in NW Arkansas.  It is not a second wave, as we did not have it very bad here in the beginning.  Everyone stayed home and it was kind of under control  But then stuff started opening again and the people got restless, so out they went.  There is a very large population of Hispanics and Marshallese in our area.  Most of them live in large family units, which is normally a very wonderful thing.  But, living together, working together, riding together  - once one gets it, everyone in the household gets it.  It is a very scary thing. 

(Hot sweaty me leaving the booth.)

 I do get out, but I always wear a mask, use sanitizer and wash my hands.  I go to the grocery store for us and for my parents, so it seems that I am there a lot.  I go to my booth once a week for a quick straighten up and refill.  I do go thrifting, but maybe just a quick run into Goodwill if I am in the area and the Bis when I start to get a little stir crazy.  I never go crowded places, parties, events, things like that.

The Spring Junk Ranch ended up being canceled, which was a good thing.  Covid was on the uptick and the state made it mandatory that all vendors and shoppers wear a mask.  I am an advocate for masks, but being outside in the open in 100 degree weather, was not sounding great.  The owners made the right decision to cancel, even though it was a tough call.  We are hopeful for October, but it remains to be seen if it will happen or not right now. 

I've been trying to get back into ebay, but with terrible results.  I have had eleven sales in the past few weeks, but had to cancel SIX of them due to people not being able to pay or living out of the country and not wanting to use the Global Shipping System.  What a HUGE waste of time to list and then have to cancel over and over again.  ebay used to be fun, but it really isn't anymore.  People say treat it like a business and don't get your heart involved.  But, that is what made it fun.  

I'm trying to get re-registered with Amazon to sell books, but I can't figure out how to get the individual plan and not the monthly plan.  I seem to be having problems with everything I touch lately.  Lol,  

Here are some things I have bought over the past few months in case you need a little junking fix.

Child's train case.  It is SO CUTE!

A small adorable suitcase.

All new Christmas, but it looks vintage and it all was 25¢ each.  So, YES!

Vintage Shuttlecocks (giggle) in a tin.  10¢

California orange shaker set.

All the vintage Easter fluff I found at the bins.  

A ridiculously HUGE teddy bear from the Bins.  
He was 50¢.
I will put him in the booth at Christmas-Valentines.  

A cute little kitchen set modeled by The (masked) Bean.

Odd's and ends from a few sales on Saturday.

 A vintage honey jar with a great label.

A pixie in a turtle.  That makes complete sense, right?

Random Christmas finds.

An barn sale full of red, white and blue finds.

New framed prints from the Bins.  
Great for the booth and Holly Jolly Junk Ranch.

Bag upon bag of vintage craft rings.  

No idea what I might use them for, but when I find massive amounts of anything useful, I snag it.  

A HUGE bag of great colorful vintage curlers from the Bins.  Again, I dint' have an idea for them when I grabbed them.  I just loved the colors.  

Then I found this GIANT JAR and thought....Hey!  


Great handmade church.  Red feels naughty somehow.  

A quick trip to the Salvation Army. 

Christmas bin finds.

This cute damned cursed bear.  
I have sold him TWICE and had to cancel both times.  I might be forced to keep him, but I am sort of mad at him right now.  

This great Rushton Duck.  Found at the flea market for 99¢.
I did sell him and it was a good sale.  
(But, dang he was CUTE!)

PINK cake carrier pulled out of the bins.

All the Zane Grey books from the bins.  
I wanted them to be featured at the Spring Junk Ranch.  
They look so patriotic!  But, they will keep, I suppose.

I hope you are all well.  Please leave a comment filling me in on your lives.  Plus, I am on Instagram at @sharamonkeybox  I do post mindless drivel on the daily over there.  It is quick and easy .
