
Sunday, January 07, 2018

January 2018 - Cabin Fever Reliever

It's a week into the New Year.  I don't think I have written 2018 yet.  Oh wait, yes I did.  On the 2nd, I was turning the corner on my very own street when a dude came barreling off the side street SO fast- ran the stop sign, swung wide into my lame and BAM smacked the side of my car.  Luckily he has insurance (although it's nearly a week later and I still haven't heard back from the insurance adjuster since the initial call), he lives on the street just behind me, he did dent up the car - but it still drives fine, the doors shut okay and most importantly, no one got hurt.  I saw him coming and swerved to the curb or he would have t-boned the drivers side.  Anyway, I wrote 2018 for the first time on the police report.  Now I have to deal with insurance companies, repairs, fighting for a rental and all that jazz.  All because I ran to the corner store for a Powerball and an ICEE.  And, I didn't even win the damn Powerball.  But, hey - it was 12 degrees so my ICEE stayed frozen.  LOOKIN' AT THE BRIGHT SIDE.

I finally got the very last of the Christmas put up - the inside has been done for a few days, but the porch and all the blowmold Santa's were still set up.  It has just been too cold to deal with anything outside.  The lady up the street walked up the other day to tell me that her Grandson has her walk him up every night to see the "Ho-Ho's".  He tired to count them all, but he can't count that high yet.  :D  That made me happy that he enjoyed them all.  It ended up raining all day, so I was glad I got them put away just in the NICK of time.  GET IT?  Ha.

Yesterday I dropped my Stepfather off at the car lot to buy a new car and then I went to seven thrifts all by myself.  The thrifts have been dry and miserable lately.  But, yesterday, I finally had some luck.  I usually avoid the thrifts on Saturday due to the crowds, but maybe I should re-think that logic.  I didn't get any photos due to that rain I mentioned.  I did find two huge folk art metal trays, a metal cake carrier, a metal floral tin and the biggest handmade basket I have ever found.  It is a beauty.  I wish I could keep it, but it is seriously giant.  Every thing will go to the Junk Ranch in June.  Yes, it is time to start thinking about The Junk Ranch.  #10!

Early in December I was contacted by a local Museum and invited to showcase some of my collections at their Cabin Fever Day this coming Saturday.  I don't have one huge collection of any one thing, but I do have lots of collections in general.  So, I am taking about a dozen collections that are displayed in jars, baskets or bowls.  A collection of collections, if you will.  If you follow me on Instagram (sharamonkeybox) you can look at #sharascollectionofcollections to see the nearly 100 collections I have posted already.  It's just a four hour event, so I can't get too involved as far as finding things and tearing up the house.  But, I do want to look like I love my things and I am not just a hoarder.  I am taking the flower brooch pins, souvenir ashtrays, chicken scratch aprons, watermelon potholders, chocolate covered cherry boxes, mercury glass garland and the gum wrapper chains for sure and I am thinking and looking for a few more to take too.  I would like to have done all vintage Christmas, but I think everyone is over Christmas stuff by now.  I'll be sure to post photos of my table and some of the others after the even it over.  I think it will be fun!

Happy New Year!